
Android Developer / Kiosk Project Lead - Indigo Inc.

Toronto, ON | Sept 2023 - Dec 2023

• Independently architected in-store Search Kiosk software using Kotlin/Android for use in 200+ stores across Canada

• Worked under a tight 2-month timeline overseeing the entire software development lifecycle from conception to deployment as the sole developer

• Created internal standards and processes for Kiosk programming, release, and DevOps

Developer Intern - JAM3

Toronto, ON | Jan 2023 - Apr 2023

• Created components and implemented API calls with an experienced team in React for Shopify’s Entrepreneurship Index webpage

• Worked with Three.JS and WebGL to create a company art piece displayed on their website

• Recreated a past client site using a Next.js framework to research usability and performance, which was used to create the company-wide boilerplate

Junior Developer (Billing) - 1Password

Toronto, ON | Jan 2022 - Apr 2022

• Worked with senior developers to re-architect billing process into a single payment window facing $120M+ in annual sales

• Assisted in creating RESTful APIs that connect front-end React code to back-end Go code to service over 90,000 business customers' billing requests

• Tested code and solved bugs throughout codebase, reducing code bloat and improving overall performance

• Refactored billing team intern documentation to better summarize all business terms and processes into an easy-to-read document

Developer Intern - AHead Simulations

Cambridge, ON | May 2021 - Aug 2021

• Designed and implemented Vue components and Python scripts for an audiology training platform (CARL)

• Configured, tested, and troubleshot various low-level protocols (I2S, I2C, SPI) on the Jetson Nano system

• Soldered SMD components and collaborated with team members to test various PCB boards

• Wrote documentation and workflows for hardware, software, boot protocols, and future interns

• Contributed to software production planning and project management for future product launch

Senior Implementation Specialist - Mero

Toronto, ON | Aug 2020 - Dec 2020

• Coordinated and managed product deployment of 1500 sensors at over 20 buildings across Canada and the United Kingdom

• Performed quality assurance on over 200 IoT LoRa receivers and 100 sensors using the Arduino IDE to assist in product rollout

• Produced bi-weekly and quarterly client-facing business reports in Figma, met with extremely positive feedback on design

• Helped refactor existing product network contracts to streamline company services which reduced fees by over $500/month

Junior Implementation Specialist - Mero

Toronto, ON | Feb 2020 - Apr 2020

• Monitored product stock by designing a custom storage tracking app while also working with distributors to decrease manufacturing costs over 40%

• Designed and created bi-weekly and quarterly business reports for clients

• Participated in IoT product deployments in 10+ buildings across the GTA with a small team